You dipped your toe into HTML5 and CSS3 last time, and/or you have the foundation in understanding of what the box layout is and can understand what lies behind a webpage.
You dipped your toe into HTML5 and CSS3 last time, and/or you have the foundation in understanding of what the box layout is and can understand what lies behind a webpage.
Learn to style your own blog with this workshop.
Coding Grace is happy to announce our Intermediate HTML5/CSS3 Workshop, and it coincides with International Women’s Day!
10:45 - 11:00 Registration
11:00 - 11:10 Welcome & Introductions
11:10 - 12:00 Lesson 1
12:00 - 12:30 Break
12:30 - 13:30 Lesson 2
13:30 - 14:30 LUNCH
14:30 - 15:55 Lesson 3
15:55 - 16:00 Closing & End of workshop
Just your own laptop.
Can’t get the streetview to work in the google map link, so I tool a screen shot of the main doors of the building -
Press buzzer marked “Pulse College”, take lift, head to 2nd Floor. Turn left as you exit lift.
Call me (Vicky) at +353 86 150 2003
UX Designer at @engineyard. Helping @TheGSGC, @CodingGrace, @Dribbble Dublin, @wearecrafthouse & @GospelRising happen. I'm the king of rock n roll, completely.
A huge thanks to following sponsor(s). If you like to support us, get in touch with us.