CoderGirlHackDay on International Day of the Girl

👉 Related to event: Coder Girl Hack Day to Celebrate Inter­national Day of the Girl

Thanks to our supporters

A huge thank you to everyone who were involved, helped out, supported and most of all to all the young women who came along and made it a fantastic day!

We even had Silicon Republic and CCTV (China News) doing a bit of coverage. Here's CCTV's feature of the event:

The awesome Ann O'Dea opened the event.

And look at all the ambitions on @InspirefestHQ's Ambition wall!

There was a competition for a guardian and a child to attend Inspirefest 2016

And congrats to the winners:

Looky, that's me with my ambition (it was hard to think of one, there's so many, but I picked the one that really meant something to me at the very moment in time)!

There were three awesome hack events running in parallel, Fungus Story-telling Workshop, Making music with SonicPi and Making a Lighthouse with TOG.

Here's a write-up from TOG of the day:

Python Workshop for Adults

The adult Python workshop was postponed till after lunch and there was a few technical hitches with getting the borrowed laptops from Coder Dojo to be set up, by the time we were ready, I didn't realise I only had 50 minutes left to go through 2.5 hours content.

We covered the following:

Since we ran out of time, I ran through what I could have covered if I had time, and a special script that was created by an attendee at the Python workshop at Inspirefest earlier this year with ascii art. See

For those who are curious, you can get the content by downloading "" from:

If you are using a Windows machine, if you didn't say "Yes" during setup to set the environment variables for you, you will need to follow the instructions from this post.

Next Coding Grace Workshop

Upcoming female-friendly events

Upcoming Python-related events

We trended on the day!

And if that is not enough, here's many of the tweets storified based on hash-tags, #codergirlsrock and #codergirlhackday, which the former trended for seven hours, how amazing is that!

Our final pic of the crazy and very fun day...

About Author

Vicky Twomey-Lee

Pythonista, but normally found organising various tech events, and now heavily involved in diversity initiatives like Coding Grace, PyLadies Dublin, and Women in Technology and Science (WITS Ireland).

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