What a day of learning about Python, R, Jupyter notebook, kdb+ and even happy winners of a raffle.
Again, a huge thanks to all who came along, supported and getting involved.
Firstly the following community groups: Diversity in Data Workshop co-organised by Coding Grace, Ireland Girl Geek Dinners, Her+Data, kx Community, PyLadies Dublin, R Ladies Dublin, Women Who Code Dublin, Women in Tech Africa
Our host: Talent Garden.
Shout out & hugs to volunteers who will be teaching and helping the sessions (in alphabetical order): Allen Thomas Varghese, Agnes Maciocha, Andrea Fagan, Daria Barteneva, Emma O'Donnell, Ian Hickey, Irene Yeriskin, Isabella Gollini, Joanna Nieć, Karen Church, Kevin O'Brien, Michael Twomey, Nicaise Ishimwe, Sarah Jones, Shalki Nagpal, Suzanne Little
Special thank you to Christina Lynch, Irene, Joanna and Kevin for reaching out far and wide helping me find mentors and facilitators.
And for keeping us fed and watered, a big thanks to our partners kx.com (Tea/Coffee) and Zalando for supporting our event.
Some other good news
We had €281.00 left over and will be donating it to Dublin Simon Community. So THANK YOU AGAIN for all the support. I'll follow up with another update when we have completed the donation. ❤️
Workshop Content
- Python: Install Anaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/
- R: Instructions via https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EY3AvcgLmSE0LLxLAyq5m9B6pW_x8dkzTNwcb7qLEy4/edit?usp=sharing
- kdb+ with kx.com: Instructions and agenda via https://drive.google.com/open?id=14DI0JrBwXqV0is_cuVwVWgyXP49-mobS
Here's the link to the workshop content:
- https://github.com/DiversityInData
- [UPDATE] Python: There's an extra PDF on virtual environment which I didn't get a chance to fully cover, it's called "codinggrace-virtualenv.pdf"
Useful links:
- Python Machine Learning (2nd Ed.) Code Repository - https://github.com/rasbt/python-machine-learning-book-2nd-edition
Upcoming Community Events
Ireland Girl Geek Dinners
- What: Are we building bias into our Bots?
- When: Thu Sep 27 @ Dogpatch Labs
- https://www.meetup.com/Ireland-Girl-Geek-Dinners/events/254373145/
Dublin Ada Lovelace Day 2018
- What: Crafting, Coding, Electronics, and WikiEdithon; all levels welcome
- When: Wed Oct 10 @ The Digital Hub
- http://www.lovelacespace.com/events/2018/8/16/dublin-ada-lovelace-day-2018
Women Who Code Dublin
- What: Capture the Flag
- When: Thu Oct 11 @ Dogpatch Labs
- https://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Code-Dublin/events/254611573/
PyLadies Dublin
- What: Monthly meetup plus talk "HBC VIA Image Annotator - A web tool for image segmentation tasks in Machine Learning"
- When: Tue Oct 16 @ Indeed Ireland
- https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/dclgvlyxnbvb/
Twitter Moments
Here's some moments from Twitter, if you want your tweets to be included, ping @CodingGrace and I'll add it to our Twitter Moment.