"It's starting to feel a lot like Quizmas" Table Quiz Write-up

πŸ‘‰ Related to event: It's starting to feel a lot like Quizmas

What an evening! Thank you to all who supported and participated in our annual table quiz. And we raised money for Dublin Simon Community and Larche Ireland. Congrats to all the winners.

It was also International Day of Persons with Disabilities on Dec 3rd and some iconic buildings around Dublin were lit up in purple!

See #PurpleLights for more pics.

Big thanks to our Partners:

(Apologies for the lateness of the pizzas, at least it makes for a good story to remember this year's quiz. πŸ˜†)

Hugs to the following Community Groups (in alphabetical order):

πŸ‘ I really couldn't have done it without Christina (apologies for missing out your pic last night), Dale, Declan, Mick and Naomi.

Team names

For all those who are curious, these are this year's team names:

Prize Winners (Top 3)

(Note: Following photos thanks to our Quizmaster, Declan!)

πŸ‘ Congrats to everyone and all the prize winners, and there was a tie-breaker as well!

To the team who gave 168 as the answer to how many "doos" appear in the song "Baby Shark", we really wanted to give you a point just because you actually went and calculated how many doos. That would mean having to remember the song, which is quite an earworm, so apologies for inflicting this on you and rest of folks... but who am I kidding, for folks who like the song (Brian, I'm looking at you) or not, and those who never heard it before, here it is in all it's glory! And yes, it's more than 2,012,561,033 views! 🀯

We would have loved folks dancing to it also, plus there's lots of other videos of Baby Shark challenges out there... now I'm off to try and forget the song again! 😜

Now back to who won the prizes last night...

1️⃣ The Hashrockets

2️⃣ The Water Buffaloes

3️⃣ Slay Belles

4️⃣ Answer #10 Will Shock You!

The were in 3rd place but we had a tie-breaker, so it's actually 4th!

We actually had lots of prizes left over and were calling teams up, but some teams left before we called them up, so we kept going until all the prizes were picked up. 😊

Here are rest of the pics, I don't know who's in which team, so tweet us which team is in which pic and I'll update this post. #TIA



If you want to get involved, drop me an email, and we'll contact you around Autumn 2019 when we normally kickstart organising the next quiz... we would love to have one or two more people helping us to come up with questions.

βœ‰οΈ Email us: irishgeeks@eventgeek.ie

Thank you, one and all, for making this event another fun and successful night, I still can't believe we nearly had 100 people, you are all amazing! ❀️❀️❀️ to the community.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!πŸŽ„β˜ƒοΈπŸŽ‰

Moments from tweets

If you have tweets to add to these moments, please do @whykay and #irishgeeksquiz and I'll add them to the moment.

About Author

Vicky Twomey-Lee

Pythonista, but normally found organising various tech events, and now heavily involved in diversity initiatives like Coding Grace, PyLadies Dublin, and Women in Technology and Science (WITS Ireland).
πŸ‘‰ http://about.me/whykay

πŸ’– Our Sponsor/Partner(s)

A huge thanks to following sponsor(s). If you like to support us, get in touch with us.

Get involved

Interested? Talk to us.

Dublin City  Council PPN
