Jan 2021 Irish Virtual Tech Events Listings

ℹī¸ NOTE: This post is updated regularly

You can find archives of previous virtual events at: 2020: March to June | July | August | September | October | November | December

I'll keep track of virtual tech events here to a point where this live blog is not needed anymore, I'll stop, and will just have them in our monthly Coding Grace newsletter. (Also helps me so I don't double up on the work maintaining the lists on a blog and newsletter).

Let me know either via contact@codinggrace.com or @CodingGrace if you want to include:-

Here's some events and conferences who have adapted to having their events virtually (I'll try and keep this post updated).

Events, Workshops & Conference

Fri Feb 19, 11:00 - 12:00🆕 Scale Ireland: The Role of Indigenous Tech Start-Up & Scale-Up Companies in the Recovery 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Feb 23, 19:00 - 20:30🆕 YourY Networks: Mental Health - Celebrating Social Entrepreneurs 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Feb 25, 19:00 - 21:00🆕 RebelCon: RebelWomen 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Fri Feb 26, 12:00 - 13:30🆕 Bash!: The Rust BASH!
Thu Mar 4, 08:00 - 09:00WWCode Belfast: Bytes n' Brew Online ☕ī¸đŸ’ģ
Tue Mar 9, 20:00WITS Reads - Discover Together (Book Club) 🇮đŸ‡Ē`
Various datesAnitaB.org's Community EventsMembers of the global AnitaB.org Local community organize events and provide one another with resources to navigate careers in tech. They organize valuable meetups, codeathons, and our one-day HopperX1 events modeled after the Grace Hopper Celebration.
Various datesCreative Mornings Field Trips

Mostly via Zoom

FieldTrips are meetups to interact, learn and collaborate in an effort to level-up your creative life. Built on top of our 20,000 monthly attendees at CreativeMornings talks, FieldTrips are designed and organized by amazing individuals and organizations from within our community.

Various datesHackaday's calendar of virtual events and classes
Various datesWomen Who Code Remote Events

🔁 Recurring & ⏩ Ongoing Events

[Update] I've split out recurring and ongoing events, hope this helps. 😊

🔁 Every Mon Morning (Started) Mar 30)Women Who Cowork Dublin - Virtual Coworking Coffee 🇮đŸ‡ĒVia Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/713622343
🔁 Every Fri evening @ 17:00 (Started Fri Apr 3)Women Who Cowork Dublin - Cocktail o'clock with WomenCo 🇮đŸ‡ĒVia Zoom - see their meetup page for more info
🔁 Every Thu @ 19:00 IST🆕 Why R? WebinarsThis is an online webinar series, see https://twitter.com/whyrconf/ for updates.

ℹī¸ More virtual events

👉 There's more virtual conferences listed in the following doc (thanks to the cool women in tech slack group): View live Google Doc

👉 Here's more webinars for Irish Companies & Founders: View calendar (thanks to @g_myaccesshub)

👉 Startup Digest, there's one in a city/town near you: https://www.startupdigest.com/ - Just search for your city name and a calendar of events will pop up.

đŸ’Ē Events/Orgs that need your help:

Tech help - Volunteering to assist the elderly

This page gathers details, for the sole purpose of setting up volunteers who wish to assist the elderly, over the telephone, with technical support, during the current Covid-19 crisis.

Should a volunteer request it, their details will immediately be removed from this dataset. The data gathered here will not be forwarded for any other purposes other than that stated above.

Open Source Ventilator ProjectThis group is being formed to evaluate, design, validate, and source the fabrication of open source emergency medical supplies around the world, given a variety of local supply conditions.

😓 Cancelled/Postponed events

If there's any cancelled or postponed events, please let us know in the comments below. Thanks in advance.

Cancelled đŸšĢ

UX BelfastCancelled indefinitely

Postponed 🔮

🆙 Security BSides Dublin 2020Postponed to SAT MAR 27 2021
🆙 RebelCon 🇮đŸ‡ĒPostponed to FRI JUN 18 - SAT JUN 19
EuroPython Dublin 2021Physcial EuroPython in Dublin moved to MON JUL 11 - SUN JUL 17 (2022) .
Dublin Maker 2020 🇮đŸ‡ĒPostponed to Summer 2021. See @DublinMaker on Twitter for latest updates.
ShipItCon 🇮đŸ‡ĒPostponed to 2021, check website for updates

🆒 Opportunities

🆕 NDRC Early Stage supports for founders across Ireland 🇮đŸ‡ĒTake your first step to building a globally scalable startup by joining a community, sharing your ideas with top mentors, and preparing your startup for investment or an accelerator with our dedicated regional teams at NDRC.
TWi And Tech Writers Without Borders And You 🇮đŸ‡ĒProfessional writers are ready to volunteer. TWi and Tech Writers Without Borders are partnering to bring technical writers to your not for profit COVID-19 related projects.
RestartBizMap 🇮đŸ‡ĒSupported by Technology Ireland, InterTradeIreland and Skillnet Ireland, TechIreland has launched a new initiative called the RestartBizMap. [...] interactive map featuring innovative technology solutions to enable businesses to operate in these disruptive Covid times. The project aims to encourage technology adoption by the industry, promote homegrown tech innovation and connect technology providers to industry sectors: retail, manufacturing and services.

If you have others to share, add them in the comments below... I'll try and update this blog post and will note it for our next newsletter.

🤖 AOB Events

This section is for any other things that doesn't fit in the categories above, like moving off meetup, and so on.

BelfastFP moving away from MeetupNew site: https://belfastfp.github.io/
Mobilize on Hiatus until end of yearhttps://www.meetup.com/mobilizemeetup/
New MongoDB User Group Events site for Dublin 🇮đŸ‡ĒOn April 28th, 2020, they will no longer run any user groups or events on Meetup. To continue interacting with your user group after that date, you need to create an account on their new platform.
Women Who Co-work Dublin moving away from Meetup to EventbriteUpdates via: https://www.eventbrite.ie/o/women-co-17855424135

🤓 Resources for Organisers on organising virtual events

🆕 Best practices for accessibility for virtual events"As everyone knows, most of our open source events have transformed from in-person to digital this year. However, due to the sudden change, not everything is accessible. We took this issue seriously and decided to work with one of our accessibility experts, Neighborhood Access, to share best practices for our community. We hope this will help you organize your digital events!"
EuroPython: Resources for Virtual EventsInfo for organisers who can use to host virtual conferences, user group meetings, and sprints! They are offering to share their Zoom Webinar and Pro license to Python events.
Python Software Foundation: Resources for Virtual EventsInfo for organisers who can use to host virtual conferences, user group meetings, and sprints!
[Eventbrite] Managing Eventbrite virtual eventsInfo for organisers using Eventbrite (due to covid-19)
[Meetup] Hosting an online event on MeetupBecause of COVID-19, they temporarily updated their in-person event policy to permit groups to host events online. They have high level pointers to various tools and some tips.
[Zoom] Guide to safely use Zoon (via Silicon Repubic)
[Zoom] Thread about using Zoom safelyMany heard of zoombombings and random people joining zoom sessions. This twitter thread has some good tips on running a zoom session (as safely as you can).

🌈 Finally

Let's do our part and make sure help slow down the spread of the virus and protect our community and all those loved ones around us. ❤ī¸

🗄 Past virtual events since last post -

🆙 Moved to the end, as this ARCHIVED events list is getting really long! 😆

Archive Jan events will be placed here.
Sat Jan 9, 10:00 - 12:00Coffee&Code Belfast: React Study Group (beginner friendly) - 0/2
Sat Jan 9, 15:00 - 17:00Dublin Code Mentoring 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Jan 12, 18:00 - 19:30Test Heads Dublin: Online Experimentation: Listening to your customers 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Jan 12, 19:00 - 21:00Cork|Sec 91 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Jan 13, 18:30 - 20:30Python Ireland Monthly Meetup 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Jan 13, 19:00 - 23:00The Games Co-Op: Jan-ClaudeVanDamme-uary 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Jan 13, 20:00 - 21:00Ministry of Testing Belfast: Agile Tester Toolkit - Make an Impact with Julia Pottinger
Thu Jan 14, 19:00 - 21:00Bring Your Laptop, Work on Code, it's TOG's Open Coding Night! - Online Only 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Jan 14, 19:00 - 21:00Why R? Webinars - Using R for human microbiome analysis with Prof. S. Holmes
Fri Jan 15, 12:00 - 13:00Newry Digital: Informal Lunch and Learn session
Sat Jan 16, 10:00 - 12:00Coffee&Code Belfast: React Study Group (beginner friendly) - 1/2
Sat Jan 16, 15:00 - 17:00Dublin Code Mentoring 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Mon Jan 18, 19:00 - 21:00Why R? Webinars : "Introduction to R in PowerBI " with Nujcharee Haswell
Tue Jan 19, 16:00 - 17:00Wild Code School: Remote campus presentation - Learn coding from home! 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Jan 19, 18:00 - 19:00Remote Geeks: Remote Geeks Community Initiative (How non-techies can shape Tech strategy) 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Jan 19, 18:30 - 19:30PyLadies Dublin Jan Meetup - ImagiLabs 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Jan 20, 19:00 - 21:00TOG Hackerspace: Online Only Craft Night, Knitting, Sewing and Art, Open to All... Online 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Jan 20, 19:30 - 21:30Newry Digital: Lessons learnt building a custom analytics solution for my website
Thu Jan 21, 18:00 - 20:00Women in DevOps meets SOD.AI: Exploring the world of DataOps
Sat Jan 23, 2021Global Diversity CFP day 2021 đŸ‡ĒđŸ‡ē
Sat Jan 23, 09:00 - 11:00Python Ireland: Speakers Coaching Session 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Sat Jan 23, 11:00 - 12:30UX Cork: User case to leverage quantitative data through qualitative research 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Sat Jan 23, 15:00 - 17:00Dublin Code Mentoring 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Sat Jan 23, 17:00 - 19:00TOG Hackerspace: Holiday Hack Challenge redo :-) 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Mon Jan 25, 12:00 - 13:00Irish Computer Society: Women4IT Free Digital 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Mon Jan 25, 18:00 - 19:30Women Who Code Belfast: Careers and Staying Current in Cyber Security: An Evening With Contrast Security
Tue Jan 26, 19:00 - 20:0011th Cork.Net Meetup - ASP.NET Core Health Checks 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Jan 26, 19:00 - 20:30Social Enterprise StartUps – Celebrating Social Entrepreneurs 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Jan 27, 19:00 - 21:00Online only Wikipedia Editing evening 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Jan 28, 12:00 - 13:00ASSESSMAKE21: Inaugural Multiplier Event for Educators and Makers 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Jan 28, 19:00 - 21:00Why R? Webinars
Thu Jan 28, 19:00 - 21:00Bring Your Laptop, Work on Code, it's TOG's Open Coding Night! - Online Only 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Fri Jan 29, 09:00 - 16:00THE DOING DESIGN FESTIVAL 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Sat Jan 30, 15:00 - 17:00Dublin Code Mentoring 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Feb 2, 19:00 - 21:001GAM (Game a Month) Galway 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Feb 2, 11:00 - 11:40Iconic Offices Virtual Events: Perfect your Elevator Pitch with Vibe Training 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Feb 2, 18:30 - 20:30Rust Dublin Remote February Meetup 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 3 - Sun Feb 7/td>Irish Tech Society & GAA International Hackathon powered by Microsoft/a> 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 3, 18:30 - 19:30Clojure Ireland: Real-world systems in Clojure 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 3, 19:00 - 21:00TOG Hackerspace: Online Only Craft Night, Knitting, Sewing and Art, Open to All... Online 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 3, 20:00 - 21:00Ministry of Test Belfast: Quality Engineering - Anne-Marie Charrett 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 3, 20:00 - 22:00Drupal Limerick Meetup 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Feb 4, 08:00 - 09:00WWCode Belfast: Bytes n' Brew Online ☕ī¸đŸ’ģ
Thu Feb 4, 19:00 - 21:00Why R? Webinars
Fri Feb 5, 09:00 - 10:00Dogpatch Labs First Fridays: Welcome to the Irish Ecosystem 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Feb 8, 18:30 - 19:30JCI Galway: Women in Leadership #3 with Mairead Farrell 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Fri Feb 9, 18:30 - 20:00Women in Tech Belfast (Lean In): WiT Wellbeing in the Workplace
Wed Feb 10, 19:00 - 20:00WITS Ireland: WITS Strategic Vision Information Session 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 11, 17:15 - 19:15🆕 R-Ladies Dublin: Intro to machine learning in R 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Feb 12, 12:30 - 13:30🆕 Women in AI Ireland: Deep Learning for detecting COVID-19 using Chest X-ray Images 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Feb 16, 18:30 - 19:30PyLadies Dublin Feb'21: Automatic multiclass news classification w/ DL and NLP 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Tue Feb 16, 19:00 - 20:00Women Tech Entrepreneurs Series - #HowSheDidIt 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 17, 12:00 - 13:00BlockW & ICS Spotlight Series-How Technology Will Transform How We Bank 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Wed Feb 17, 20:00 - 21:00Bright Club Online: Women in Tech 🇮đŸ‡Ē
Thu Feb 18, 08:00 - 09:00WWCode Belfast: Bytes n' Brew Online ☕ī¸đŸ’ģ

About Author

Vicky Twomey-Lee

Pythonista, but normally found organising various tech events, and now heavily involved in diversity initiatives like Coding Grace, PyLadies Dublin, and Women in Technology and Science (WITS Ireland).
👉 http://about.me/whykay

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